Currently, competitive programming is an emerging digital sport. Many want to start it but are unable to find a proper guideline.
Step 0: Choose your go-to online platform for offline practice You can choose from either Codeforces, HackerRank, Atcoder, Codechef, Timus, UVa, CS Academy for offline practice.
Step 1: Choose a contest platform to give regular treats to your brain Most people would recommend Codeforces as present it has the largest cp community out there.
Step 2: Do practice There is no shortcut, you just need to invest a large portion of your time to be good at it.
Step 3: Be motivated If you feel down, then take a break from cp and enjoy other aspects of your life. Remember, life is more than you can imagine.
Step 4: Continue Repeat steps 2, 3 till you are having fun doing cp.
That's all! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in comments